Commercial Snapshot

Buildings and Sites for Business in the Municipality of Chester

Use the tool below to browse commercial buildings and land within The Municipality of Chester. If you have interest in any of the properties listed, please contact Economic Development for availability information.

Municipal Land

Kaizer Meadow Industrial Park Concept

Use the tool below to browse available municipal building lots in the Kaizer Meadow Industrial Park. If you have questions, please contact Economic Development.

Visit the Kaizer Meadow Industrial Park information page

We are here to help.

If you cannot find what you are looking for or have specific questions – we can help! 

Our network of staff and partners may have information on potential property options that are not publicly listed on the website. The Economic Development Office can coordinate on your behalf to try to identify options that may suit your needs.

Contact Brian Webb to learn more about why Chester might be the right fit for you.

Brian Webb
Senior Economic Development Officer